Cycling till death do me apart

Author: M. / Labels: , , ,


I bought a bike to be able to move around. (Public transportation here is inexistent!) On wednesday a critical mass ride was organised on midnight because of the full moon and about 250 bikes gathered up on the pedestrian bridge.

We set off from the center of the city just after midnight. After the second sidewalk that I jumped off, my saddle started wobbling a bit more than it should.
I ignored it.

Three minutes later, as I am cycling amongst a big bunch of bicycles, I hear a clunk-wack, I look back and see my saddle upside-down on the street. Apparently, I had lost a bolt, so it was impossible to repair it at that moment. Well, I thought, I'll just continue riding standing. Either way, how long are we gonna be in the streets anyway? So I took the saddle pole off too (to avoid any tragic accidents), put everything in my bag and continued.

Three hours later and we were still cycling! I couldn't believe it! And since we were at the other side of the city and I had no friggin clue on how to get back, I stayed with the rest of the bunch.

To cut a long story short, I ended up getting home at 5am, after having cycled approximately 30 kilometers standing..............



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