Ridiculous signs on a national level

Author: M. / Labels: ,


During the past 6 months I traveled through 28 of the 50 US states. As you can imagine, I came across a number of signs at times that cracked me up. I now present you with the ones I was able to take a photo of.

Evolution finally explained

They made us do it!

Long gone are the days that we only needed to worry about bird droppings

We focus on your psychological issues, rather than the physical ones

Did I mention I am also tasty?

A friendly reminder, just in case you're forgetting

You'll be part of his personal collection

Not if you're a carrot it ain't!

No exceptions!

As dedicated locksmiths, we provide music and we feed you. Oh yeah, we cut keys too.

Bring your daughter...

Dirty, dirty taco!

Will do, thank you very much!

My mom is gonna show you how it's done!

The 10th one was too hungover to care.

Just in case you needed an excuse.

Proud slags of the world, unite!

This is where snow usually cruises by.

If you have asthma, you are not allowed in this school.

Talk about setting your priorities straight!

To munimetro (for all the greeks out there)

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!

...to be mugged by you!

You're not fooling anyone really...

$100 fine for thought of parking here

Wow! This lawn is really great indeed!

Yeap. That's how it usually works.

Because failed actors will always have a job with PETA.

Please respect our local birdies wishes.



Angela said...

Haha! I saw the kiss&ride sign too. That sign is in Washington DC where the Iwo Jima Monument is, I took a picture of it too :)

And what I wanted to say: dirty, dirty taco!

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