Bike to the bash

Author: M. / Labels: , , , , ,

September 24th, 2010

I had the genius idea of singing up for a free bike ride called "Bike to the Bash". Ok, so the idea was not mine. A friend suggested it, but I did not hesitate. It's a ride to San Antonio, where the cyclists will end up at the "Bash at the brewery", a live music event organized by the Lone Star brewery.

Being a free event, with free entry to the concert, it was a matter of signing up and hoping you would get selected the day they would pick the names out of the hat. And it seems, I was one of the lucky cyclists who will be joining the ride.

So, here I am, ready to join the ride tomorrow.

Bike ready CHECK
Camelbak filled with Gatorade CHECK
Clothes ready CHECK
Glasses CHECK
Bandana CHECK
Ride wristband CHECK
Tyre repair tools CHECK
Energy gel shots CHECK
Phone, ID, money CHECK
Timing watch CHECK

I think I got everything covered... Now, why all this preparation, you're gonna ask. Well, San Antonio is not exactly down the road. In fact, it is an 80 mile (129km) distance from here to our final destination. All 165 of us will be setting off precisely at 7am, intending to get there some time in the afternoon. So yes, I do need to be prepared.

Am I nuts? Probably! Hell, I don't even like the music they'll be playing at the festival. I'm only going for the fun of it and to see how I'll cope with such a long bike ride. Luckily, another friend is also on the ride, so we'll get some good laughs in.

Time now is 8.30pm and I'm going to bed already, because I got a 5am wake up call ahead of me. I'll keep you posted if I survive this.


Do You Know Austin?

Author: M. / Labels: ,

If you don't, I know just the way for you to get a good idea of what it's all about.

I just launched a new photoblog based entirely on Austin and its quirky elements.

Of course, you will not find many photos in there yet, since I only launched it yesterday, but my goal is to be shooting more of Austin and to be introducing a new entry every single day, so this website should keep me in track.

Feel free to register for updates, or to be checking it whenever you feel like. I'm sure you'll see many things you will enjoy. Hell, it may even make you want to come and visit me. :)
