Temples and books and... yeah, that's just about it.

Author: M. / Labels: , ,


One evening we decided to venture into Evanston, a small neighborhood in the north of Chicago. We had heard about two interesting attractions there and we thought we'd go and check them out.

First one was a bookstore, called the bookman's alley. It's an old bookstore with many decades of tradition in rare, old books. Not only does it live up to its name, but it's also a truly unique space. When one enters, it looks pretty small, but once you start walking through its aisles, you discover more and more rooms. Every room is not only filled with stacks of old-looking books, but it's also decorated like the study room of an old couple that lived about a century ago. Old furniture, souvenirs that bring images of past times, antique items... It really felt like I had entered a time machine. Everything was beautiful.

Second was the local Baha'i temple. For those who are not familiar with this name, the Baha'i faith is a universal faith that started a long time ago, which was inviting believers of all other religions to join under it. To me, this all sounded like "blah blah blah religion blah blah religion blah blah". the interesting part was that the Baha'i faith has only a small number of temples around the world, one for each continent. The one for North America happens to be here, in Evanston. Why did they choose this city, I am not sure. But it's a pretty interesting temple, with lots of beautiful elements to it.



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