Wisconsin, a.k.a. Santa land!

Author: M. / Labels: , ,


We got to Wisconsin, where we stayed with my friend T. for about four days. Lots of snow, sledding, cold and stalactites. We are talking SERIOUS amounts of snow! You have no idea! I have never seen so much snow in one city!
And although we had lots of fun... I can't really think of anything else to talk about other than the snow and the cold.

Nowadays, instead of a purple heart, the US army gives a purple toilet.

And then we went to Madison. Hillary decided to return to California, so on friday she flew back. I stayed a few more days, walking around, exploring the city, hanging out at the lakes, meeting people, etc... On sunday, in fact, I went to a couchsurfer's graduation ceremony. It was quite funny to be back in that environment once again after so many years.

But again, after all that happened during my stay in Madison, all that is glued on my mind is images of snow and low temperatures!

Obviously, they don't cycle much here during winter.

Seriously, I think my brain froze! :S

It's about time I leave the intense cold. But not before I put Charlie (and myself) through one last test.

Tomorrow, I am setting off early morning towards Seattle. A 2000 mile drive straight through all states between here and Washington state. It's not going to be an easy one, but hey, neither me nor Charlie is a beginner at this kind of thing. ;)

Next time you hear from me, it'll be from the west coast.



Stephanie Schutz said...

Yay! It's in the 40s here. Winter solstice was this morning. It's longer days from here out! :)

See you soon!

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