It has begun!!

Author: M. / Labels:

My arrival in Buenos aires and my short stay have managed to push me once more towards believing that everything happens for a reason.

Sunday noon and I'm already at L.'s place who is still half asleep. The idea was to stay here for a day and set off monday morning on the train to Tucuman. L., however, managed to convince me not to get on that train, so I decided to stay one more day. In the meanwhile, 2-3 people that had figured out in a very sneaky way (I hadn't told anyone I would be here) I was back, were trying to convince me to stay until the weekend and to go to Rosario with them. I didn't see it likely, as I needed to be on the road and not wasting time in the same ol' places. The chapter of Buenos Aires is for me completed at the moment, so I didn't feel comfortable staying here being idle.

Monday morning I bought my ticket to La Quiaca, the argentina-bolivia border and after various things I had to take care of, I met up with P. for a beer.

- hehe hihi, I am going to Bolivia
- hehe hihi, the idea of joining you is appealing
- hehe hihi, go ahead then
- I will (no more hehe's here)
- I don't believe you

The following morning my jaw dropped when I saw her coming on the bus! Obviously, I am dealing with a loon here!

So, after a 29 hour ride on the bus (watching Steven Seagal in spanish - kids don't try this at home), two new stamps on my passport and a good run to the station, I have ended up chilling inside the train that will take me from Villazon to Tupiza, with P. as a co-traveller. Welcome to Bolivia. The big trip is only about to begin...


The photo is horrible, but due to serious lack of technology, it´s the only proof of entry in Bolivia that I can provide... :)


luis said...

Quien es PPPPPPPPPPP??????????????????

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