Couchsurfing National Meeting in Armenia, Colombia

Author: M. / Labels: , , , ,


One of the primary reasons that I dragged my arse all the way to Colombia for, the couchsurfing nacional meeting of Colombia, just outside the town of Armenia, is finally taking place.

The organisers have rented a house for the whole weekend, not too far from civilisation, but right into the coffee crops. We got all necessary elements for a successful long weekend: a house, a garden, hammocks, tents, a pool, a soundsystem and 100 wacky people, ready to laugh their lungs out.

Obviously, every single hour and every single moment, it was a bomb. But the best of it all had to be the so-called "chiva rumbera". The chiva is a classic, kolombian bus, which, for the purposes of a "festive night", it has suffered several modifications and has been transformed into a moving nightclub. So imagine, a bus with 40-50 people, all standing, all with drinks in their hands and the music blaring away, roaming through the streets. Every so often we'd make a stop at the main square of whichever village we were going through and set up a party with the musicians. People looking at us, other laughing at us and others even joining the party. This was one hell of a night and a story to tell for months to come.

Amongst all this we also visited Salento, a village nearby. It is a small, graphic village which happened to be holding those days (just like every other little village in Colombia as it seems) a muic festival. Well, to me, the two things I remember very fondly are (once again) gastronomic. A trout of epic proportions that we filled our stomachs with and the tubs of arequipe de cafe, or dulce de leche de cafe. You don't know what it is? Well, look it up! I'm not gonna be doing all your homework, am I?

On sunday early morning P. and I parted ways. She had no desire to do so of course, and I fully understand her (mmmm..... arequipe de cafeeeeee), but she had her flight already booked. After having travelled together for a whole month, it feels kinda strange now. It's not as if I'm used to travelling with other people, so this was something new for me. I must say, she was a perfect co-traveler and we had a blast. It's not an easy thing to achieve spending with someone 24 hours a day and not having had a single argument! So, next stop Brasil? :)

The party went on strong all day, despite the rain. It didn't seem to bother anyone. Without having slept much and after two days of partying however, the energy level were not exactly topped up, but the day progressed wonderfully.

Monday is here and people start making their way out. We have had an unspeakably fun weekend. Nevertheless, for some of us the fun seems to go on. Five of us squeezed our way into L.'s car and we're heading to Bogota. Let's just see what's next.......



Dee_Licious said...

You are so gonna love Burning Man!!!!

Lillian said...

Theloume ki alles dikes sou foto ;-))

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