Escape from Popayan

Author: M. / Labels: , , , , , ,


We finally succeeded leaving this place. Not that we didn't like it, but if I'm gonna start developing addictions already, I'm not gonna manage to see anything in the rest of the country.

The people, the food, the streets, the rum (damn rum...), the city... I fell in love with all that! And C. and E., our couchsurfing hosts, treated us so well, it was really difficult to leave.

The street market.

A local specialty. Tamal de Pipian!

The garden at C.'s place.

The two bridges of the city...

And the same bridges at Patojo village, the miniature Popayan. (Let's see, who reads my blog regularly? :p )

We spent a day at Coconuco and some thermal baths nearby.

It's really funny how they distinguish the baths depending on the water temperature: boiling water and warm water (agua hirviendo and agua tibia respectively).

That day we spent the least possible. Hitch hiked there and back (yes, it is possible to hitch hike in Colombia. Get over it!) y with a bit of persuasion, we got in the thermal baths for free. Ok, the fact that we spent quite a lot later on that night on beer and rum is another story. :)

The following day we spent it at a village called Silvia. A small, traditional, quiet village, where men and women dress up in traditional, colourful dresses.

The crazy fact of the day? Our lunch. Bandeja Paisa its name and its size ridiculous! They had told us to go there hungry and they were right!

And after these adventures, the wonderful food and the heavy drinking, we packed our things and headed to Cali...



luis said...

Ahora voy a tener que regresar a Popayan!!!!!!!
Hay mucho que no conoci!!!!!!!!!!!
Muy buena la foto del tamal! Hasta me dio hambre!!!! :p
Un abrazo Malakitaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Stephanie Schutz said...

Nice new background! :)

Glad to know it's possible and safe to hitch in some parts of the world.

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