A tribute to: Granadilla

Author: M. / Labels: ,

Today I would like to talk to you about... the granadilla.

No, it has nothing to do with the spanish city of Granada (or wherever else in the world happens to be a city/town/village/neighborhood/location/thing with the same name).
It also has nothing to do with grenadine, that red, liquid, chewing gum tasting thing that we used to put in our orange juice when we were kids to pretend we were drinking some sort of fancy cocktail.

What I am talking about, is a fruit! An exotic fruit, the existence of which I discovered while looking for cheap food near Machu Picchu.

I couldn't resist and I just opened it...

Its skin is orange, with white, little spots. Its outside is hard, but smooth and tender and can be easily broken, so please be gentle with it.

You can open it by slicing gently across the middle and tearing the two halves apart with your hands. You can now admire its beautiful content, a mass of black seeds, covered in a soft, transparent fleshy goodness.

Once you become more experienced, you should be able to tear it in half, while maintaining the entire content on just one half!

It is possible that for some it may not look very inspiring, but believe me, it's one the most delicious things you will ever try. Just sit back, relax, stick your tongue in that delightful ball of seeds and suck it in.

Keep it in your mouth while chewing it and let its sweet, fruity juices take over all your senses. Let yourself sink into the delight of this addiction.

Unfortunately, as all things, this too will come to an end.

But now without leaving you with a great smile on your face, giving away the satisfaction of the recently experienced pleasure! :)

Enjoy. If you happen to be in Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela or Ecuador that is...



Stephanie Schutz said...

Oh my. Aren't you precious! :)

I'm going to have a look for that fruit next time I'm in a grocery with exotic fare.

Anonymous said...

I am hoping this is thr fruit you bring to the USA with you. Please, please!!!!

You are like the spokemodel for Grenadilla!

luis said...


M. said...

Oops! Gracias!
Ahí esta. :)

Lillian said...

:-)))))) I think I've had it in Bali (?) I think...

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