The Zach-house!

Author: M. / Labels: , ,

While in Birmingham, I chilled for a couple of days at a friend's place out in the fields.

Zach, who was introduced to me by D. is a craaaaaaaaaayze dude who lives in a dreamy house in the middle of nowhere, amongst the cotton fields. At night, you hear nothing but the crickets and the coyotes. During the day, you hear nothing but Zach's insane, louder-than-Harleys laughter and his 2 dogs. To get an idea, his back yard has a huge, peaceful pond in the middle.

I spent a couple of days out there doing nothing but relaxing and chatting for hours on end with someone I consider a close, new friend.

Feeling rested and rejuvenated, I'm headed up north for a few skydiving stops. :)



Dee_Licious said...

Yay! I knew that you two would hit it off! Both of you are crazy, energetic and optimistic in the best possible ways!

Zach's house is one of the most calming and centered places I've ever had the fortune to send time.

One of those pictures is going up on my wall. :o)

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